Inbound Marketing and Social Media: Branding for Your Biz

The days of outbound marketing are almost numbered. Gone are the days when marketers buy ads and email lists to contact people. Today the focus is on creating high quality content that is specifically designed to attract prospects and existing customers. So much so that customers are always expected to come back for more.

The mantra of the right content being in the right place at the right time is the premise on which inbound marketing works. As a result more visitors are converted into customers and existing customers establish a long -lasting relationship with the company.

Given the fact that social media platforms are already being largely used by the public for everyday interaction and communication, marketers and advertisers literally thrive on engaging with target audiences through Instagram, Snapchat, LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter. Is it surprising then that social media is almost an integral part of inbound marketing?

While traditional marketing platforms are rigid and don't allow for flexibility, social media is more pliable as it can be used to create adaptive content that is in tune with customers' though processes. These platforms have an immediacy that today's customers appreciate. Content can be updated and altered at will to suit the target audience, customer queries can be answered in real-time, a rapport can be established quickly and customer confidence can be increased. In short, value can be provided in different ways, quickly and convincingly in all stages of the customer journey.

Interaction on social media can be a morale booster if the audience is engaged in the right way, customer concerns are addressed and issues resolved. More importantly, creating a social media profile costs nothing. However for inbound marketing to be a success, what it does require is involvement, commitment and investment of time and a little effort to create content that is relevant and useful.

Major social media channels such as Instagram, Snapchat, LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter are great when it comes to analysis of raw data about company performance and activity on the platforms. The insights and feedback can be used to change approach, test content for relevance and also gives marketers and idea of what should be in and what should go out. The built-in analytic tools are a boon that help marketers engage audiences better.

So we see that quality content is the thing that makes effective marketing campaigns—you get that right and half the work is done, but remember if content doesn't reach the correct audience, it's no use at all. It has to be shared and this is where social media helps—if the content is really good customers and prospects are intrigued and interested. Once the customer is awakened there's no stopping them from making content go viral.

Inbound marketing and social media are two sides of the same coin—when they connect they make things happen. Social media will allow you to promote the content you’re creating, your brand, and achieve inbound marketing goals. 


Dr. Liz Musil

I'm a shadow ally to creatives, entrepreneurs, coaches, and teachers.  I create actionable content to help anyone interested in growing a sustainable, profitable virtual enterprise. My videos, articles, and books are about business, design, entrepreneurship, and technology. What is super-satisfying to me is achieving (and helping others achieve) self-reliance and financial independence.

After corporate life in finance and tech, I morphed into a creative online entrepreneur, working from my home studio since 2002.  I have a doctorate in management and my gigs are: virtual business coach, university professor, and author. I teach business, design, research, and tech courses at the undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral level.