When Branding Backfires: How to Recover

when branding backfires

You thought you had a clear grasp of your brand. You researched it, put it before focus groups and finally launched it. And it backfired. Your customers hated it or worse they didn't react to it at all.  You've just experienced the same kind of failure as big businesses with fancy advertising firms. Think about Coke and the New Coke fiasco in the 80's. Despite decades of success with Coke the company decided it needed a new brand with a new taste. Consumers hated it and within 6 months Coke had ditched it and returned to the original formula. Perhaps the Coca-Cola company executives wanted to create a buzz and anticipated the spike in sales following their killing of New Coke. Perhaps they had lost touch with their customers. Either way they recovered from the branding backfire and you can too.

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Your own business branding backfire may not be as spectacular as Coke but it is important to learn from your mistakes. As soon as you know your current branding course isn't working or no one cares about it, ditch it.  Start by reevaluating your methods of research. One of the biggest mistakes is projecting what you think is a cool and sexy branding strategy on your customers instead of asking key clients how you are perceived. Are you trying to brand your value, your reliability, your uniqueness or do you just want a consistent “mark” that customers will immediately identify.  There is a difference between brand statements and a brand. Know what you want to say and say it in the simplest, clearest way possible.

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Brainstorm with people in your inner circle.  Analyze why your big branding push backfired. Study businesses with successful brands. Don't be afraid to ask for help.  Think about your own experience. What brands do you like and why? What brands do you dislike and why? What motivated you and your team to go down the road with your branding?

There is a lot of interesting psychological research into branding. For example, the colors, shapes and fonts you choose. Think red circles and you think about Target. When you see an apple with a bite out of it you know it is an Apple product. Two simple brand marks that work with consumers. Take the time to thoroughly research this important topic. Keeping your business viable and successful may very well depend on your branding strategy.

Once you've selected your new brand dive in! Create cool stuff to get to your customers in the marketplace. Make sure your brand is on everything - printed, digital, and social.  Don't be afraid to take chances.  Strive to create a buzz by sending key influencers in your industry branded items before your launch. If you have business bloggers in your market target them with a preview.

Making mistakes in branding do not have to mean you are finished. The way you adapt is what will ensure your business doesn't get stuck in the land of misfit brands.


Dr. Liz Musil

I'm a shadow ally to creatives, entrepreneurs, coaches, and teachers. I create actionable content to help anyone interested in growing a sustainable, profitable virtual enterprise. My videos, articles, eBooks and courses are about business, design, entrepreneurship, and technology. What is super-satisfying to me is achieving (and helping others achieve) self-reliance and financial independence.

An online entrepreneur since 2002, I work as a coach, consultant, designer, web developer, author, and professor. I teach entrepreneurship, leadership, and design at the university level and have completed research studies on virtual leadership.

I work out of my seaside villa located on a peninsula outside of Los Angeles, with my rescue dog, Zoe.